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Diamond Open Access Fund

Unil | CHUV | Unisanté | HEP

Diamond Open Access (also: Platinum Open Access) is a scientific publication model characterized by a total absence of charges, for both readers and authors (no APCs, no paywall). Journals and platforms adopting this model are generally funded or subsidized by non-commercial institutions such as universities, learned societies or libraries. Compared with other forms of publication, Diamond Open Access represents a transparent and equitable alternative, perfectly suited to the demands of the digital transition.

The University of Lausanne, in collaboration with the BCUL and the University Library of Medicine (BiUM), is supporting Diamond OA with an annual budget of CHF 150,000 for the period 2025-2027.

This budget is divided into 3 parts:

Track A : Platforms, Infrastructures, Services

This track supports international, multidisciplinary initiatives designed to promote Diamond OA. The latter are selected by the BCUL in advance of each budget year.

It is not possible to apply for this track.

Track B: Diamond Journals that have published Unil, CHUV, Unisanté or HEP researchers

This track automatically supports Diamond journals that meet the following criteria:

  • Journals having published at least one article by an author affiliated with UNIL, CHUV, Unisanté or HEP during the previous year
  • Journals that are 100% Diamond (no APCs, no paywall)
  • Journals referenced in DOAJ
  • Journals published by non-profit publishers

It is not possible to apply for this track.

Track C: Diamond projects linked to UNIL, CHUV, Unisanté or HEP VD

Through this track, the BCUL provides one-off support for Diamond projects (journals, platforms, networks, research projects, etc.) linked to UNIL, CHUV, Unisanté or HEP VD and meeting certain criteria.

To find out more about Track C and how to submit a project, please refer to the following documents:

Information on Track C of the Diamond Fund

Project Application Form

Questions ? Need help ? Write us an email !

Discover the initiatives supported by the BCUL Diamond Fund!